TechGuards London

IT Security

IT Security

It is important that every business is not only cyber aware but as secure as it can be to protect its data and intellectual property.

The Government states that nearly half of UK businesses have had a cyber attack or breach in the last 12 months. It is important that every business is not only cyber aware but as secure as it can be to protect its data and intellectual property.
The Challenges

Struggling to defend your business?


Sometimes you may not be the only one with eyes on your screen, copying and sharing your data.


Often download files from the internet? Are you certain that they haven’t been tampered with?


Locked out of your own IT system? That’s ransomware, you’ll also have to pay to get your access back.


The art of attaching malicious files and links into a simple email – If you don’t trust it, don’t click on it.

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compliance regulations?

Are you up to date with IT compliance?

The defence of your data is no longer an option – it is essential! You become more likely to be targeted by cyber crime every passing day, simultaneously the burden of legislation and regulatory compliance rises also.

Our approach

How we can help you.

  • Cyber Security

    With solutions and a multi-layered approach - we can protect and secure your critical data.

  • Managed Firewall

    Preventing threats from entering your IT systems all together - protect and secure your business.

  • Inbox Security

    Protect your business inbox from all the multiple spam emails with phishing protection.

  • File Restore

    Restore your systems from a backup instantly - Enjoy peace of mind knowing that your data is protected.

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IT Support?

Need efficient IT Support?

The defence of your data is no longer an option – it is essential! You become more likely to be targeted by cyber crime every passing day, simultaneously the burden of legislation and regulatory compliance rises also.

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